Near Infrared Light Therapy + Heat for Chronic Pain Relief

Chronic pain is a debilitating problem that affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their quality of life and overall well-being. Near infrared light therapy, a non-invasive and drug-free approach, has gained recognition as a solid solution for temporary relief of chronic pain and even eventual healing in some cases. In this article, we will explore the benefits and applications of near infrared light therapy when combined with heat for managing chronic pain and improving the lives of those suffering from persistent discomfort.

Understanding Hot Near Infrared Light Therapy for Pain Relief

Near infrared light therapy involves the use of specific wavelengths of light that penetrate deep into the tissues, promoting cellular repair and rejuvenation. Some products include heat, which is very useful for relieving many types of pain on its own. Together these two factors provide a deep-reaching, powerful effect that speeds up healing and temporarily alleviates pain. This therapy is believed to stimulate the mitochondria, the powerhouse of cells, leading to increased energy production and enhanced cellular healing responses. By targeting the underlying mechanisms of pain, near infrared light therapy offers a promising avenue for chronic pain relief. And when your near infrared light therapy choice includes heat, like the RubyLux NIR-A Near Infrared Bulb, you can get excellent synergistic effects. 

The Benefits of Infrared Lamp Therapy for Chronic Pain Relief

Reduced Inflammation

Infrared light therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation by increasing blood flow and promoting the release of nitric oxide, which helps dilate blood vessels. By decreasing inflammation, this therapy can alleviate pain associated with conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, joint pain and more.

One important thing to remember is that increasing blood flow can cause pain. In those instances, near infrared heat lamp therapy is not the best choice. In the case of injuries or conditions where inflammation fluctuates, one can wait until inflammation decreases some and then utilize near infrared heat lamp therapy. For more info, check out our article on when not to use near infrared lamp therapy. 

Enhanced Tissue Repair

Near infrared light supports the healing process by rapidly increasing cellular repair and regeneration. This is the body's own natural healing process. All mammal tissues are renewed and repaired in this manner, including collagen, bone, muscle and skin. Increasing blood flow and providing instantaneous energy to cells is how near infrared heat lamp therapy is believed to work. It accelerates the recovery of injured or damaged tissues, reducing pain and discomfort over time.

Temporary Pain Relief

My favorite part about near infrared heat lamp therapy is the near instantaneous pain relief effects it has. There are some types of pain that will take repeated treatments to get pain relief through tissue healing. These are typically the parts of the body that are deeper or larger, such as the hips. But since our near infrared lamp therapy penetrates superficial tissues easily, people usually report a temporary pain relief effect that lasts a few hours. Depending on the condition you're treating, the temporary effect can become more permanent with time.  

Increased Circulation

Infrared light therapy and heat both improve blood circulation. One way they do this is by enhancing the formation of new capillaries. Improved circulation ensures that oxygen and essential nutrients reach the affected areas, promoting healing. Enhanced blood flow also aids in the removal of metabolic waste, reducing the risk of inflammation and further pain.

Relaxation and Muscle Tension Relief

Near infrared heat lamp therapy has a calming effect on the muscles and nervous system. It helps alleviate muscle spasms, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation. By releasing tension and reducing muscle stiffness, this therapy can provide significant relief for chronic pain conditions related to muscle tightness or strain.

(Probably) No Need to Stop Your Meds

Near infrared heat lamp therapy can be used in addition to most medications and other pain treatments. One of its biggest advantages is it doesn't require the user to quit pain management options that are helping them. It is simply a useful add-on tool. Be sure to check with your pharmacist, just to be sure none of your medications cause light sensitivity. 

Silky Smooth, Rejuvenated Skin

Yes, I know that having great knee skin is likely not on your list of priorities, but it's a nice bonus, no? The fact is, even when you are aiming to treat pain that is situated deep under the skin, the light is going to go through the skin, too. That means your skin and collagen will benefit from less sagging, cellulite, wrinkles and other skin problems. 

Examples of Infrared Lamp Therapy for Chronic Pain Relief

Arthritis of the Knees

With arthritis of the knees, stiffness reduces movement and pain makes daily living tasks difficult or impossible. Getting in or out of a car, climbing a few steps or getting up from your chair hurt. Near infrared light therapy with heat brings blood circulation to your knees and improves your range of motion. Crucially, collagen restructuring will speed up and in time your knee pain will be less. If desired, you can take collagen supplements to help your body rebuild the cushioning it needs to prevent knee pain. Personally, I like hydrolyzed collagen. 

Back Muscle Sprain or Strain

This is a problem almost all of us have had. Seemingly out of nowhere, your back hurts and you can't move like before. Near infrared lamp therapy is excellent for providing pain relief and relaxing muscles. It will also improve your range of motion. 

Bursitis in the Shoulder 

Bursitis is due to inflammation and when inflamed, these fluid-filled sacs cannot do their job of reducing friction. Applying near infrared heat lamp therapy soothes the bursae and reduces inflammation. It can also temporarily reduce pain. However, when targeting bursae, tissues tend to be dense so it will take more time and repeated use to get optimal results. 

Ongoing Pain Syndromes Such as Lyme Disease or Fibromyalgia

Near infrared heat lamp therapy is perfect for long-term causes of pain like Lyme or fibromyalgia. In these types of conditions, pain is frequent, moves around and may affect different tissues in each instance. Being able to move the light around and targeting various tissues like muscle or tendon is exactly what's needed. 


Incorporating Infrared Light Therapy into Your Routine

Consultation with Healthcare Professionals

Before starting infrared light therapy, it is wise to consult with a healthcare professional. They can evaluate your specific conditions, provide personalized recommendations, and approve your use of near infrared lamp therapy for your chronic pain relief. We also recommend checking with your pharmacist if you take any medications to make sure none could make you sensitive to light.

Get Your Near Infrared Lamp Therapy Supplies

Near infrared lamp therapy is easily administered at home using human-grade near infrared bulbs and lamps. You can find a wealth of information about how to use RubyLux products here on our blog

Here's the short version: get your RubyLux NIR-A Near Infrared Bulb and a lamp that is rated for at least 250W. Clamp it to a heavy, stable object. The bulb gets hot fast and you cannot touch it, so it's important to make sure your lamp is stable. Now point the light at the spot that hurts and turn it on. Bask in the relaxing glow until you feel better, about 10-30 minutes. It gets hot, so it's okay to move around a bit to keep yourself comfortable. It should NOT hurt, ever! Don't forget goggles if your eyes will be exposed. Rinse and repeat as needed, just leave a few hours in between uses.

Consistency and Patience (Only Sometimes Needed)

Near infrared light therapy is often effective regardless of how consistent you are. But as with so many things, it is most effective when used consistently over time. This is especially true if you have pain around dense-tissue areas, like arthritis in the hips or intervertebral disc disease. While some individuals may experience immediate relief, others may require several weeks or months of regular treatment to notice significant improvements in their chronic pain symptoms. Fortunately, RubyLux offers a hassle-free returns period of a couple months, so you can have time to test it out. 

The bottom line is, near infrared heat lamp therapy offers a non-invasive and drug-free approach to managing chronic pain and improving overall well-being. By reducing inflammation, enhancing tissue repair, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation, infrared light therapy can provide significant relief for individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions. Whether through at-home devices or professional treatments, incorporating infrared light therapy into your routine has the potential to illuminate the path to comfort and improved quality of life.